I loved all of it-- the consultation before hand and the homework you assigned. I loved your session. I loved the direction you gave-- I loved the breathes you had me keep taking haha. I loved how you had me go over to the mirror before the start of it all and ask me if I looked like me... that was really awesome, and also, how you let me view the shots in between changes. |
I loved how much fun it was to play and how easy I warmed up to Natasha. The over-all experience was really enjoyable and it felt more like having fun in front of a camera than trying to pose for the best head shot. |
The very very best thing that you did was set me completely at my ease. I felt safe enough with you at our consultation to share how completely stressed I was about getting new pictures and you absolutely made me feel 1. okay and 2. like i could trust you to do your job well and help me get the shots I needed. |